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Navigate Student

Navigate Student is a mobile app that helps students navigate key decision points throughout the college journey. Navigate Student frees up advisor capacity by empowering students to resolve issues independently while connecting them to the right offices for issues that require more intensive support.

What you need to know:

  • Incoming students will receive information about Navigate Student throughout the summer via emails, social media, and orientation sessions. Returning students will receive messaging about the app in fall when they return to campus.
  • Encourage students to download Navigate Student by searching for “Navigate Student” in the App Store or Google Play. Students will search for our campus by typing in “NC State University”.
  • For students who do not have a smartphone, there is a desktop version Navigate for students as well! Visit here
  • Click here to read more information about the app as well as view screenshots and screen recordings of what the students see within the platform.
  • View email templates to use when communicating with your advisees about Navigate Student.
  • If you would like to integrate Navigate Student into your seminar(s) for new students in your college, click here to access a brief PowerPoint to use within your seminar class(es).