Navigate Broadcast Email Guidelines
The Navigate NC State platform possesses powerful advanced search functions which can be used for various reasons, including email outreach. Staff and faculty have the ability to email all students whose records they are able to access. As a result, it is imperative that all Navigate users adhere to the university’s established Broadcast Email Policies for communicating with all students on campus. Navigate should never be used to message all students on campus.
Guidelines for emailing students within Navigate:
- Emails should only be sent to a specific, targeted audience and NEVER to all students. For example, if your office is hosting a unique, special event only for undecided students and you have not communicated this event through other avenues such as a departmental listserv, then it would be appropriate to send a targeted message through Navigate.
- Emails should be significantly beneficial to all target audience members, and offer unique benefits and added value to those individuals. Consider whether students need to receive this information or if they are already receiving it through other channels (departmental listservs, academic advisors, social media, etc.).
- Emails are not primarily a marketing message, but instead focus on information dissemination. If you send regular messages promoting events and services, they will get flagged by NC State Gmail as spam. Once you are marked as spam in students’ NC State email accounts, it is incredibly difficult (or impossible) to remove yourself from that filter. Please work with your college communications team as needed to develop strategies for promoting events and services.
Please note that messages sent through Navigate that do not adhere to these policies may get flagged. If you do have a message that you need sent to all students and it meets the criteria outlined by the Office of Information Technology, please work through the university’s established process. These messages should NOT be sent through Navigate.